Saturday, November 27, 2010


I've been hanging onto these for awhile. I'm not sure why I haven't posted them sooner. They do seem to go along so well with the theme of this blog: the internet in the hands of nincompoops. It's hard for me to image a website that is a better example of a kind of lowest-common-denominator mentality than Craig's List.

A few months back I was in the market for a used car, so I checked out Craig's List. I resisted the urge to put a lot of the mistakes in these screen caps in The Punctuator! because it would be just too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. It's for this same reason that I don't pick on errors in emails or forums. They're just too many of them.

The main thing that struck me about the CL posts shown here (and the umpteen others I'm not showing) is the widespread misspelling of the word "title" as "tittle". Why do so many people seem to think this is the way to spell "title"?

click to embiggen

I get the impression the author of this post may be ESL because of that strange "...with the miles....", but that's still no excuse for "tittle". In addition, I like "...the car runs good theres [sic] no problem with the car". Me thinks he doth protest too much.

click to embiggen

Lots of little mistakes here in addition to the "tittle", too many to enumerate. I can't help but point out the "mud train" tires, however. I'm pretty sure she meant "mud terrain".

click to embiggen
Quite a few mistakes for a short post. I'm glad the vehicle has "good conditions".

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Oops, I forgot to highlight the "tittle". Are people who sell used cars on Craig's List and people with at least an 8th Grade education mutually exclusive groups?

click to embiggen

A Plymputh Voyager, eh? This guy has a lot of problems. From the context in which he says "paid", I think he actually meant "pay". I wonder what he uses the smock for. He also doesn't seem to know what street he lives on. There's a North Cedar, and there's a Nord, but no "Nord Cidar".

Well, that's it for our little cavalcade of tittles. I'll see you next time.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Amazing! Love "Plymputh"!