Saturday, September 4, 2010

Divide by Zero

Hi. Been awhile. I was about to give up on this blog. After a brief burst of new creativity, I ran dry. But my blog partner Carlos talked me out of it. He suggested we could just write individual posts when we felt like it, rather than worrying about collaborating, which is a cumbersome and time consuming process.

I had been saving up a few things which I wanted to try to work up into a big post like the previous two. But now I'll just go ahead and throw them up here with a few (hopefully) pithy (or at least mean-spirited) comments.

Today's post deals with an example of a motivational poster, a popular thing to do on the internet. I enjoy reading these (when they're well-done) and I've even made a couple myself. My favorite place to do this is Big Huge Labs. Apparently now you need to register to use the sight. It's free, and if you already have a Facebook account (admit it, you do), it's easy too.

One of the things I like about motivational posters is - in addition to being a meme themselves - the way they tend to focus on memes, further spreading and modifying them. Today's example features the "divide by zero" meme. I just find it amazing that someone sat down to create this and screwed up this badly. Not only did he misspell "accidentally", he left out the word "divided"! How did he miss this? Was he drunk? Was he having trouble fitting the complete phrase onto one line and figured, "Aw, fuck it. They'll know what I'm talking about"? Or is he just one of the millions of lazy, semi-literate people who populate the internet, filling it up with half-assed garbage? I'm going to go with the last one.

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