Hi again. Back with more on motivational (or demotivational) posters. This is an example of a sub-meme called a
demotivational tunnel. As you can see, first someone creates a poster, then someone else thinks they can improve upon it, so they put the original poster inside a new poster. This can go on until the original is illegible, creating a kind of
Droste effect.
If the creator of the original poster didn't screw something up, it's never long before one of the tunnelers does. In today's example, it only took one iteration for the fail to rear its ugly head. The nincompoop tunneler misspelled "does" and then bungs an apostrophe into "takes" for good measure.
By the way, if you're not familiar with Lex Luthor's cake thieving ways,
here's some more information about that.
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