Saturday, September 11, 2010

You Are a Nincompoop

I don't know if you remember Balloon Boy, but this little item was a response to that non-news story. I thought there was something kind of familiar sounding about the construction of this attempt at humor. I did some research and rediscovered a meme with which I was already familiar: buzzkilling, which was - as the linked page will tell you - itself spawned by this bit of hilarity from the mad geniuses at  SomethingAwful.

So the creator of this inanity was attempting to mash together a couple of memes, succeeding only marginally. Too bad he didn't know how to spell "pilot".


TC said...

Oh, based on the font used on top of the photo, I assumed it was supposed to be like one of those LOLCats things, where they intentionally misspell certain words.

Silly me :)

Whatever happened to that kid's family? They should have faced jail time!

Rimpy Rimpington said...

@ TC: According to Know Your Meme (, the mom and dad "received a $45,000 fine in damages as well as jail sentences amounting to work release and public service. Also included in the package deal is the inability for the Henne’s [sic] to profit off of the escape for the next four years during probation."

Rimpy Rimpington said...

@ Carlos: That's what they get for naming their poor kid "Falcon". You can be pretty sure that as soon as that time limit is up, they'll have their own reality show. Circling the drain, my friend, circling the drain!